It’s Spring. Don’t Miss Out on Life!

It’s Spring. Don't Miss Out on Life!

3 SEXY Solutions To Your Productivity Problems!

Well, when it comes to productivity, “sexy” might be a bit of a stretch. But since I have your attention, consider how true the following statements are for you:

  • I don’t have enough time with my family and loved ones, and when I’m with them, I’m not always really “with” them.
  • I don’t take enough time for reflection, strategizing and creative thinking.
  • There are significant gaps between what I say is most important in my life and how I actually allocate my time and energy.

If these sound familiar, you may be missing out on life.

Now consider this on an early April day: Are you going to deprive yourself YET AGAIN from fully enjoying springtime? Think about all the things you’ve promised yourself you would do “one day”. Write them down. Get creative or consult that bucket list of yours. As you emerge from COVID lockdown, let THIS spring be that “one day”. Remember: LIFE IS NOT A DRESS REHERSAL!

Documented Results of Intentional Productivity

If you refuse to deprive yourself of these gorgeous spring days, consider some steps to change your life’s trajectory FROM EXHAUSTION (rat race + anxiety + guilt) TO RESILIENCE (focus + engagement + inspiration + fulfillment). This doesn’t require a magic pill. It only asks for the embodiment of an Intentionally Productive mindset. In a nutshell, Intentional Productivity results in creating the SPACE to attend to what’s important. Simple as that! Now, simple doesn’t mean easy, but the “Intentional” in Intentional Productivity allows it to be! You’ll gain the perspective that leads to creating the productivity practices and habits appropriate for YOU. Finally, you’ll develop strategies to box out any roadblocks to achieving what you deem important. Not exactly sexy, but very attractive!

Intentional Productivity has been the answer for hundreds of DRIVEN Professionals who were committed to doing the work. Take a moment and imagine if you could experience these results:

“I feel like I have a bit more of a path in front of me, rather than skating around all over the place. The image that comes to mind is walking a steep but clear hiking trail with a guide rope rather than an iced-over lake surface in sneakers.”

-Rachel Bull, English Training Professional

“The Intentional Productivity program gave me tools to use on a daily basis to help proactively manage my stress, stay organized, and make time daily for mindfulness and wellness.”

-Laura Nations, Director, People Initiatives & Operations, Armanino LLP

“The valuable tips and tricks can be applied immediately and, while I’ve always considered myself productive, the program has honed my productivity to a fine point!”

-Patty Block, President, The Block Group, Inc

“I certainly managed my time and scheduled my priorities, but I was unaware of and did not reflect on how my own scheduling was draining my energy— energy I needed to enjoy what I was doing more. I am now scheduling more strategically— taking advantage of when I get my best work done, and filling “gaps” with activities that help replenish my energy. It’s not about working more hours; it’s about getting more out of my working hours.

-Colleen Duffy, Managing Director, BDO

If your spirit is saying “YES!!! I’m all in”, and yet, you’ve tried to be productive in your past to no avail, consider these top 3 obstacles to living a fulfilled and present life:

1. You’re Perpetually Overwhelmed: Do you feel like you’re forever sprinting from one obligation to the next, worried about letting people down and rationalizing that you can “just take on one more task”?  Have you determined that your solution to managing overwhelm is to “move faster”? That’s exactly what an overwhelmed brain says. In fact, the transformational answer is to slow down to speed up, as counterintuitive as it sounds.

As a starter solution, suggested by my friend and impressive colleague Michael Roderick, take 5 minutes at the end of your workday to do a Daily Postmortem. Read about Michael’s brilliant “GIFT” here.

2. You Believe There’s NOT ENOUGH TIME to “Do It All”: And you’re absolutely correct. But at the same time, there is enough time to do what’s truly important. Consider the formula:

1 Week = 168 Hours

Sleep = 56 hours

Work = 50 hours

Hours Left Over for Living = 62 hours

See! You DO have time to focus on satisfying your value system and your life’s aspirations. There is more than enough time to do all of that, even if 10% of “you time” equals more than 6 hours for daydreaming, planning, playing, etc. The question becomes, “What is truly important?” Additionally, read this article demonstrating why working more than 50 hours a week actually makes you less productive!

As a starter solution, when you get to the “F” of “GIFT” during your daily postmortem, book time in your calendar for the next day and make it your #1 priority to complete.

3. You’re Your Own Worst Enemy: I don’t know about you, but I find my “recovering perfectionist self” investing a lot of emotional energy in projects and activities that seem too big, “scary” and painful, (thanks to lingering perfectionist tendencies) that continue to lead to procrastination. By the time I actually bring myself to address the dreaded task, often it turns out to be less involved than anticipated! What a waste of energy…and time!

As a starter solution, consider this trick: Once you recognize you’re having some anxiety about a NEED-to-do, commit to one tiny step to start the ball rolling, and then either calendar it or do it. That nudge can result in enough headway to remove the resistance, allowing you the space and grace to complete the project.

If you relate to these blocks to productivity, keep your eye on your inbox for more tips each Tuesday throughout April to become more intentionally productive. And if you want to dive in fully and immerse yourself in an intentionally productive process, purchase DRIVEN’s new self-paced e-course Intentional Productivity: 12 Principles to Create a Life of Clarity, Focus and Fulfillment. Learn more HERE.

Is Coaching for you? Are you ready for it? Sign up HERE for a 15-minute Complimentary Coaching Consult to find out.

Deborah Goldstein is the founder of the Driven Professionals, a community driven to support the health, well-being & success potential of NYC professionals. Deborah is also the founder of Goldie’s Table Matters, providing education and entertainment to both corporate and private clients nationwide.

Deborah Goldstein

Deborah Goldstein is the founder of the Driven Professionals, a community driven to support the health, well-being & success potential of NYC professionals. Deborah is also the founder of Goldie’s Table Matters, providing education and entertainment to both corporate and private clients nationwide.

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