Sonnets from Suburbia: Trouble Brewing
He waited for the coffee pot to brew
and found his gaze no help or aid to speed.
Impatiently he thumbed his fingers through
the paper, of caffeine he was in need.
A hopeful gurgle maybe did portend
and end-all to his craving so severe;
But no, his torture wasn’t at an end,
he contemplated op’ning up a beer.
“That darn machine’s become my morning curse,”
he mumbled as he fumbled with the cream.
He knew his spouse’s mood was even worse
as she had wakened from a woeful dream.
To save the marriage was his purpose double.
If he brought her no coffee there’d be trouble.

Lady Penelope
Penny Peyser, aka “Lady Penelope” is an actress / writer / documentary filmmaker living in Los Angeles. Her sonnets have been published in Defenestration , Blood & Bourbon, Page & Spine and Chantwood Magazine among others. Highlights from her acting career include The Hot l Baltimore original production at Circle in the Square, the films All the President’s Men, The InLaws, The Frisco Kid and TV series Rich Man, Poor Man II, The Tony Randall Show, Crazy Like a Fox and Knots Landing. Please visit for all links and to learn about her documentaries Trying to Get Good and Stillpoint. And now Penny Peyser has gathered all of her sonnets into a new book, “Sonnets from Suburbia: More Candles Than Cake”. It is a work of pure genius!