Poems of Love, Freedom, and Joy

Our Tomato poets beautifully explore themes of love, freedom, and unexpected joy, reflecting the authors’ unique perspectives and experiences. I Love New York by Nicole Freezer Rubens describes the joy and familiarity of returning to the city. Free by Madlyn Epstein Steinhart speaks about the joy and adventure of setting oneself free. In Can I Do it All Carol Ostrow explores the internal conflict of falling in love while valuing personal freedom and independence

I Love New York   

It’s like muscle memory

being back at the gourmet market,

after 2 weeks

submerged in quiet cottage nature.

That first glimpse of the jagged skyline

raises my heart rate to a fast flutter.

When my soles hit

the city pavement again,

I automatically walk faster.

I feel supernatural.

I am on autopilot

as I recall how to take the screeching subway,

instinctually navigating through its pulsing veins.

I inhale the familiar smell of my closet

I never knew I loved

until I unpacked and hung up

my finest Snoopy tee shirt.

I say some sort of grace

when I climb into my own celestial bed.

I am eternally grateful

not just for New York City,

but for the feeling it sends

to the urban lobe of my brain

as the biggest apple ever

rots and shines,

falters and thrives.

~ Nicole Freezer Rubens, author of “The Long Pause and the Short Breath”


Set yourself free
Like a balloon let go of and soaring
Like a kite with a long-lost tail seeking an adventure
You can get closer to yourself and free so much
You find what you need and get a surprise
Be free of what was.
Learn from it and move forward
Be grateful for it
Embrace what is and what will be with joy and anticipation
An open heart will help too
Set yourself free
~ Madlyn Epstein Steinhart, author of “Put Your Boots on in the Rain” and “Beautiful Heart”

Can I Do It All?

Falling in love with a wonderful fella,

Reminds me not to act like a Cinderella,

Do I need saving from something here,

To move from what’s near to over there?


The question is and you know what I mean,

It’s the age old normal couple’s theme,

To adapt to a new life with a change of scene,

It is what’s expected that I feel is extreme,


I’ve earned my freedom that I must save,

Yet, a loving future shouldn’t make me behave,

Like a shadow of the man I do care for,

Who says I’m the only one he does adore,


It is a two by two world out there,

Yet I’ve managed to always preserve and care,

My work and friendships that feel so right,

Do I need to  resolve this dilemma tonight?


No, not really and everything looks better in the morning. Move over Prince.

~Carol Ostrow, author “Poems from My Pandemic Pen” and “Poetry in Motion with Emotion”


Poetry is back in vogue and through The Three Tomatoes Book Publishing we have the honor of publishing books by four poets—Madlyn Epstein Steinhart, Stephanie Sloane, Nicole Freezer Rubens, and Carol Ostrow. Check out their poetry submissions each month.

Poet Laureats

Poetry is back in vogue and through The Three Tomatoes Book Publishing we have the honor of publishing books by four poets—Madlyn Epstein Steinhart, Stephanie Sloane, Nicole Freezer Rubens, and Carol Ostrow. Check out their poetry submissions each month.

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