The Many Flavors of JOY

Anyone who knows me knows I’ve called my grandcuties my “joy pills” since the oldest, Keira, was born in 2017. 

Since then, I’ve expanded my own understanding of joy and have been amazed at how it shows up in all sorts of delightful and unexpected ways—much like the diverse flavors of ice cream in a local shoppe! Each flavor brings something unique, and just like ice cream, joy can be found in all kinds of surprising forms—some bold, others subtle, but all equally delicious. Here are just a few of my favorite “flavors” of joy:

  • Poignant Joy: One of my Chair of JOY® Sessions surprised me when a joyful memory came up from the time my family gathered at hospice to say goodbye to my 21-year-old nephew, Max. Even in heartbreak, there was a tender joy in being together and comforting him in his final moments.
  • Joy of Freedom: During a Chair of JOY session with my husband, Peter, his memory was cliff diving in his younger years! When asked what he felt, the word that came to mind was “freedom,” which felt even more meaningful as his body hasn’t felt as free and easy lately.
  • Joy of Success: This one may seem obvious, but nothing beats the kind of joy we saw in that viral video of Tara Davis Woodhall celebrating her Olympic gold with her husband. The pure love and elation are contagious!
  • Wonder-filled Joy: This joy comes when something absolutely takes your breath away—like fireworks for me, or cresting a hill and seeing an extraordinary vista spread out before you.
  • Ordinary Joy: There’s joy in the simplest, everyday moments: waking up to sunshine after days of rain, hearing a baby giggle, or getting an unexpected text from a friend.
  • Joy of Chocolate: There’s a special kind of joy that comes with savoring a piece of mouth-watering chocolate (or any delicious treat). Taking a moment to enjoy something truly scrumptious feels like a little joy-filled gift.

As JOY Intelligence™ continues to gain momentum and recognition as a powerful, transformative concept, it’s becoming a universal language that bonds us together as a community, a nation, and a world. These voices have been talking about joy in powerful ways:

  • The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu: In The Book of Joy, these two spiritual leaders explore how joy can be cultivated even in hardship, seeing it as a deep, sustained sense of well-being.
  • Brené Brown: This researcher describes joy as one of the most vulnerable emotions, but embracing it leads to a more wholehearted life.
  • Marie Kondo: Her KonMari Method, with its focus on items that “spark joy,” has made the conversation about joy part of how we organize our lives and homes.
  • Ingrid Fetell Lee: Her work in Joyful focuses on how physical spaces can spark joy and how design can influence emotional well-being.
  • Shawn Achor: In The Happiness Advantage, Achor emphasizes that cultivating joy leads to success, not the other way around.
  • Priya Parker: In The Art of Gathering, Parker explains how joy is crucial to creating meaningful and transformative gatherings.
  • Lizzo: Promoting body positivity and self-love, Lizzo encourages her fans to find joy no matter the circumstances.
  • Rebecca Solnit – Activist: Writer and activist Rebecca Solnit nails it when she says, “Joy doesn’t betray but sustains activism.” During my 15 years with 4thU Artivists, I felt the powerful joy that comes from working towards positive change.
  • Ariana Huffington: Founder of Thrive Global, Huffington promotes joy as essential to mental health and self-care.
  • Oprah Winfrey: Oprah consistently brings joy to the forefront as a principle for personal growth and living with purpose.
  • Kamala Joy: Who would have thought we’d see a “Joy Warrior” in politics? But there it was with Kamala Harris during the election cycle, a reminder that joy can show up anywhere.
  • Taylor Music Joy: The worldwide phenomenon surrounding Taylor Swift is a perfect example of how joy and music go hand-in-hand. From Harvard courses to global fan movements, her influence connects and brings joy to millions across generations.

JOY as an emotional state is not just something we aspire to but something that encompasses the full range of human experiences—whether we’re in survival mode, dealing with fear and suffering, or thriving in courage and resilience. It’s becoming clear that joy is now recognized as a critical tool in leadership, activism, mental health, and design. It connects us globally and strengthens our resilience.

So what about you? What unexpected “flavors” of JOY have you found in your life? I’d love to hear what matters to you, and who in your life strikes you as someone who could easily make this list. It may not be about global icons such as these—it’s about you, each of us, showing up for the person right next to us, or someone you’ll talk to today, who might need you to show up fully, sharing your energy and joy. There are so many, and we’re having fun identifying them every day!

How Fascinating:

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”

— Buddha

Deborah Roth

Deborah Roth is a spiritual life/career transition coach, mental fitness coach, relationship coach, and interfaith minister. She is the founder of Spirited Living.

Deborah Roth

Deborah Roth is a spiritual life/career transition coach, mental fitness coach, relationship coach, and interfaith minister. She is the founder of Spirited Living.

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