CBD and Cannabis for Pain, Relaxation, and Sex

With the legalization of cannabis, many people who would not dream of buying it illegally from a dealer are visiting local dispensaries or ordering from the internet. But buyer beware: there are many types of cannabis products and not all cannabis products are of equal quality and potency.

First and foremost, does the product contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or cannabidiol (CBD), or both? The main difference between CBD and THC is that THC produces a high, alters perception, and impairs cognition, whereas CBD does not. CBD is used mainly for its anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, anti-seizure, and sleep-inducing effects. Medical marijuana (cannabis) reduces nausea and helps patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer.

CBD balms and creams bring relief to aching joints and muscles. Many people rely on oral CBD to fall asleep and decrease anxiety. Some even use it to reduce symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

 Due to its relaxing properties, CBD can enhance sexual arousal and sensitivity to touch. THC can improve sexual functioning, too, but at higher dosages, it can cause anxiety or paranoia, which inhibits sexual arousal. The key is to find the best preparation and strain for you and your chemistry.

Many find that CBD products containing some THC are more potent because the two ingredients work synergistically. There are few studies on the sexually enhancing effects of cannabis. About one third of people who use cannabis do so primarily for sexual purposes. One study showed that women experienced improved libido and orgasm and less sexual pain with marijuana Men also report sexual benefits, but chronic users of marijuana can experience twice as much erectile dysfunction. So, women might derive more benefit from cannabis use than men.

Cannabis can now be enjoyed in various forms, from smoking and vaping to indulging in caramels, chocolates, gummies, and even infused cooking oils that combine both THC and CBD. Oils can be used to make brownies and other treats.

CBD oils and lotions can also relax muscles during a body massage. CBD sexual lubricants relax the muscles of the pelvic floor, increase natural lubrication, and reduce pain during intercourse. Therefore, they can help menopausal women with vaginal symptoms. Some CBD lubricants contain other botanicals (ashwagandha, cacao seed butter), essential oils (peppermint and black pepper), and amino acids (L-arginine and L-citrulline), thought to aid sexual arousal, and others contain tea tree oil to fight infection.

Many of my older patients enjoy using CBD and cannabis to enhance their sex lives. They may have enjoyed using marijuana for sex in their youth, and they are rediscovering it now that it is easily obtainable. Like other sensual techniques, cannabis and CBD add pleasure and variety to the sexual experience.

Terpenes add a pleasant aroma and flavor to cannabis and affect its potency, a phenomenon known as “the entourage effect.” Two aromatic terpenes in cannabis are limonene (found in citrus fruits) and linalool (in basil and lavender). Limonene is thought to have mood-elevating, stress-reducing effects that counteract the sedative and anxiety-producing effects of THC. Linalool has stress-reducing, anti-microbial, immune-boosting action and has been postulated to enhance the parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system. This latter effect is conducive to good sexual function. 

Before incorporating cannabis into your routine, consider consulting a healthcare professional to ensure it’s safe and appropriate for you. Cannabis can decrease sperm quality and reduce testosterone levels and erectile ability in chronic users. Individuals with certain psychiatric conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia can relapse on cannabis, due to the hallucinogenic effect of THC. Some individuals can become paranoid. Oil-based vaginal lubricants can sometimes make it easier for vaginal infections to take hold. They should not be used with latex and some other condoms, as they can degrade the condom material, risking pregnancy or STDs. Only polyurethane condoms are safe to use with oil lubricants. Lubricants containing CBD also come in water-based versions. More information about cannabis and sexual health can be obtained on Instagram at @joyLeafdispensaries, @drbartlik and Dr. Bartlik’s website, DrBarbaraMD.com.


Barbara Bartlik, MD

Barbara Bartlik, M.D. is an expert in integrative psychiatry, emphasizing evidence-based holistic approaches to mental health and sexual wellness. She is skilled in addressing conditions such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, women’s health issues, and sexual dysfunctions. She has been in private practice in Manhattan for over 30 years and combines conventional psychiatric treatment with lifestyle interventions, nutritional strategies, genetics, detoxification, and novel neurostimulation modalities. Dr. Bartlik is triple board-certified in psychiatry, integrative medicine, and sexology. She is a locally, nationally, and internationally sought-after speaker and a featured guest on talk shows and podcasts.

Barbara Bartlik, MD

Barbara Bartlik, M.D. is an expert in integrative psychiatry, emphasizing evidence-based holistic approaches to mental health and sexual wellness. She is skilled in addressing conditions such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, women’s health issues, and sexual dysfunctions. She has been in private practice in Manhattan for over 30 years and combines conventional psychiatric treatment with lifestyle interventions, nutritional strategies, genetics, detoxification, and novel neurostimulation modalities. Dr. Bartlik is triple board-certified in psychiatry, integrative medicine, and sexology. She is a locally, nationally, and internationally sought-after speaker and a featured guest on talk shows and podcasts.

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