Alice Aspen March Remembered

Alice Aspen March

Humanist – Soul Teacher – Innovator

Creator, The Attention Factor


Where do we begin?  Just short of age 91, Alice Aspen March passed peacefully in Austin, Texas, surrounded by family and friends on November 25, 2022.

Many of us who were blessed to have Alice in our lives are her New York friends, although her influence was worldwide.

How do we remember, and honor, Alice…and what was it about her that made her the most interesting woman you will ever meet!

Her Work

I still have work to be done.” Alice Aspen March said in her last days.

Dubbed a humanist by many, Alice’s early work began in LA, where she was the Founder and Executive Director of a non-profit organization called FACT (Focusing Awareness on Children and Television), which allowed her to play a key role in keeping Mr. Rogers Neighborhood on air on on PBS.  Inspired by her friendship with Mr. Rogers, Alice commissioned a play for the Los Angeles School District, educating her audience  on the consequences of heavy TV viewing on children: obesity, depression, high school dropout, poor reading skills, and even suicide and violence.

Driven by her passion and determination, Alice went on to create and produce the Emmy nominated, Latch-Key Kids, narrarated by Christopher Reeves, which drew attention to the role of television and absentee parenting.   This show resulted in the development of extended extended after-school programs  funded by the California State Senate, which subsequently honored Alice, where she was twice appointed to the State Commission of NATPE (National Assn of Television Program Executives).

This work was rooted in the concept that all people need the tools, the information, and the insight to consciously receive and give appropriate quality attention to one another.  This concept, embraced and lived by Alice, became the genesis of The Attention Factor, which she trademarked.

The Attention Factor: “The power of attention is the power of love”

When Alice entered a room, you felt her presence.  She had a magnetism that attracted people to her, and she connected with all.  Her speaking voice was powerful, yet warm and with a certain resonance that was cellular.  Her thoughts and her being came from a place deep within and her words endure well beyond her passing.

“I talk about the right kind of attention.  Everyone needs for attention is different.  People need to listen to each other to discover this. “I try to give people the opportunity to know that attention is our primary need. It rules the world.  When you don’t get it, you need to act out.  People will do anything to get it”.

At its heart, Alice’s work has created a paradigm shift in people’s perspectives which allows them to see and improve their most important relationships.  The transformative power of her work is the power of love, a quality which Alice shared with  all in abundance…and made any in her presence feel like they were the most important person in the world.

Alice has presented her work around the world to audiences from the worlds of business, education, medicine, law, parents, wellness providers, travelers — to people of all ages, all colors, all incomes.  We are seeing its impact in our workplaces, families and in our relationships.

And echoed by many, “Why haven’t we heard this before?”

Her Humanity…Her Spirit…Her Determination…Her Purpose

Larger than Life”

Alice’s accomplishments, her awards, her connections with the “high and mighty” from Presidents to all she met are legendary.  She was loved and admired by all.

When Alice spoke, you listened.  And learned.

When you spoke, Alice listened with all her being and you knew that you were heard and understood.

When Alice smiled, and embraced you, it felt as though all was ‘right with the world’, whether it was or not.  But in her presence, you just felt better!  And you believed in the possible.

When she laughed, it was pure magic…her spirit was infectious and inspiring!

Her life was large…and her determination and her drive even larger.   While living in NYC, she enjoyed the City to its fullest.  With friends, events, concerts, dining and the energy to do it all!

In concert with her many friends at the Three Tomatoes, Cheryl Benton and I were pleased to present Alice with the “Women of Purpose” award on the occasion of her 90th birthday.

And one of the recent joys of Alice’s life was her role as a Broadcaster for “Why Attention Matters” where she interviewed fascinating people from all walks of life and was awarded Top Radio Show Host of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Award by IAOTP (International Association of Top Professionals), an international boutique honoring the “world’s finest”.

And as we look at Alice’s portrait, looming large on a massive billboard on Times Square, there is no doubt that Alice was “larger than life.”Alice honored us all by just being “Alice”…and her life’s work and her presence will continue to inspire from Beyond.

We send condolences to the family…David, Doretta, Marc, Eli, Alex, Jake and Jonathan…….and the many friends and colleagues of Alice

Gifts in her memory can be made to Cranbrook Academy of Art,

On Tuesday November 29, there will be a ZOOM memorial in her honor. You can view it here:



Anne brings a wealth of knowledge to her role as The Three Tomatoes’ Beauty, Health and Wellness Editor. As a champion of health and well-being for all, she is the Founder/Publisher of GLOW Beauty, Health and Wellness magazine; previous Founder of Castle Connolly Graduate Medical Publishing, publishing educational review manuals for doctors to pass their board exams in 15 different medical specialties and co-Founder of, publishing and marketing books for health professionals. A winner of the SMART CEO award for "entrepreneurial spirit with a sense of give back to the community," Anne sits on many Boards for women's health, with a particular passion for Veterans and her current
role as Special Advisor to Operation Warrior Shield, "healing their hidden wounds".

Visit Anne at:

Anne Akers

Anne brings a wealth of knowledge to her role as The Three Tomatoes’ Beauty, Health and Wellness Editor. As a champion of health and well-being for all, she is the Founder/Publisher of GLOW Beauty, Health and Wellness magazine; previous Founder of Castle Connolly Graduate Medical Publishing, publishing educational review manuals for doctors to pass their board exams in 15 different medical specialties and co-Founder of, publishing and marketing books for health professionals. A winner of the SMART CEO award for "entrepreneurial spirit with a sense of give back to the community," Anne sits on many Boards for women's health, with a particular passion for Veterans and her current role as Special Advisor to Operation Warrior Shield, "healing their hidden wounds". Visit Anne at: or:

1 Response

  1. Ellen Easton says:

    Dear Anne, an eloquent tribute one can feel as from your heart for a remarkable woman whose life was well lived. Alice will be missed by those who loved and admired her but certainly her presence will live on with all who knew her.

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