“I Feel Old” Makeover

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“I Feel Old” Makeover

So you know those days when you wake up feeling (pick one, or all): “I feel old”, I feel fat”, I feel blah”. Well Sue (featured above in her before) picked the “I feel old” one, and headed to Christopher Hopkins for a makeover. Christopher and his staff lifted her spirits with a subtle change. She had worn short hair quite often and Christopher liked the length but added a little wave with a thermal iron. Amy Z toned the warmth in her hair and lifted the color that had been pulling a little too flat. Kami gave her some brow tweezing advice and a soft natural makeup. When the “new Sue” was revealed, we smiled right along with her.

Watch the makeover.

Visit The Three Tomatoes’s profile on Pinterest.

Meet Christopher Hopkins – The Makeover Guy. “The makeover: It absolutely inspires me. Improvement and response. Thrilling. At three years old I was obsessed with the hair of my “Tootie” doll. This miniature doll, packaged in a plastic cameo, had a tiny body and very long hair. It was perfect for little hands to hold and style. I spent hours on that thing, bobby pins everywhere. Later I graduated to my sister’s Barbie dolls. You could do more with clothing for them because they had full figures for which you could create tissue paper and Scotch tape fashions, complete with stickpin earrings.”

Today Christopher is owner of reVamp! salonspa, in Minneapolis. He done makeovers on the “Oprah Winfrey Show” among other media outlets. His first book, “Staging Your Comeback, A Complete Beauty Revival for Women Over 45,” has helped improve the looks and the lives of thousands of women.

Visit his web site: www.themakeoverguy.com/

Christopher Hopkins

Meet Christopher Hopkins – The Makeover Guy. “The makeover: It absolutely inspires me. Improvement and response. Thrilling. At three years old I was obsessed with the hair of my “Tootie” doll. This miniature doll, packaged in a plastic cameo, had a tiny body and very long hair. It was perfect for little hands to hold and style. I spent hours on that thing, bobby pins everywhere. Later I graduated to my sister’s Barbie dolls. You could do more with clothing for them because they had full figures for which you could create tissue paper and Scotch tape fashions, complete with stickpin earrings.” Today Christopher is owner of reVamp! salonspa, in Minneapolis. He done makeovers on the “Oprah Winfrey Show” among other media outlets. His first book, “Staging Your Comeback, A Complete Beauty Revival for Women Over 45,” has helped improve the looks and the lives of thousands of women. Visit his web site: www.themakeoverguy.com/

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