LA LIFE: Keeping Cool, Adoption, Give Blood, Easy Mornings, South Pasadena

LA LIFE: Keeping Cool, Adoption, Give Blood, Easy Mornings, South Pasadena

Labor Day Weekend set record breaking temps that hit hard on so many levels in SoCal with the highest recorded in Woodland Hills. 121 degrees! Holy Moly!  After these blazingly hot temps, you might be interested to learn “How the Romans Kept Their Cool.”  I’ve also got a few suggestions for you wilting Tomatoes that might perk you up.  Kitties are available for you to love at the Best Friends “Kitten Drive Thru Adoptions. The Music Center is having a blood drive. Grand Park is launching a new virtual program. South Pasadena has an intriguing history and you can learn all about it. Stay Cool, Smart and Safe, Tomatoes! 

How the Ancient Romans Kept Their Cool

LA LIFE: Keeping Cool, Adoption, Give Blood, Easy Mornings, South Pasadena
Documentation of Outer Peristyle

It’s no exaggeration that Los Angeles has been super-HOT! So how on earth did the ancient Romans deal with rising temps? The Iris, (Getty’s blog) recently posted, “How Ancient Romans Kept Their Cool” which has the answers as to precisely how the Romans beat the heat and kept their cool, Tomatoes. 

It’s a really interesting three minute read and something with we can…or should…learn from with the unprecedented heat waves we have been experiencing.  How did the Romans do it?  Airflow, water fountains and shade. That’s how, Tomatoes!

Sept 12 & 13. Kitten Drive Thru Adoption

LA LIFE: Keeping Cool, Adoption, Give Blood, Easy Mornings, South Pasadena

Join Best Friends at the LA shelter on September 12th and 13th for a brand new Covid-19 style adoption event: “Adopt a kitten from your car!” What a fab idea! And you can take your kitten home the same day! Hee Hah Tomatoes!

Tomatoes can socially distant from the safety of your car while viewing their available and precious kittens, then complete the adoption process from one of their reserved parking spots. Best Friends even have pre-packaged kitten start kits for purchase, so you won’t have to make any additional stops. They will have limited spots available each hour, so you need to sign up in advance. No car? No problem! Walk-throughs will be welcome as well. Masks required, of course! If you need a kitty companion here’s a great chance Ladies.

Sept 16 & Oct 26. Give Blood to Help Save Lives

LA LIFE: Keeping Cool, Adoption, Give Blood, Easy Mornings, South Pasadena

According to the Red Cross, someone in the US needs blood every two seconds.  And that was before the pandemic.   The American Red Cross has a constant and ongoing need for blood and platelet donations and blood drives to meet the needs in patient care during Covid. The Music Center and the Red Cross is hosting two community blood drives. Healthy Tomatoes can help.

Enter sponsor code MusicCenter to schedule an appointment. If the Music Center is not convenient then check here by putting in your zip code to find the nearest location that might be convenient for you.  The blood donation process takes about an hour and rigid safety protocols to protect against Covid are in place.  Think about it, Tomatoes. Anytime is a good time give blood to save lives.

Starts Sept 12. Easy Mornings at Grand Park

LA LIFE: Keeping Cool, Adoption, Give Blood, Easy Mornings, South Pasadena

Grand Park’s Easy Mornings,” is a brand spanking new program Tomatoes. Each week will bring one-hour digital programs that feature talks, workshops, performances, park tours, and art activities that will highlight and accentuate “Park Life” and Grand Parks beautiful green space. Start one morning a week with ease, (you can even stay in your PJ’s) Tomatoes!

You can look forward to morning meditations with a Grand Park yoga instructor, coloring workshops that bring healing, nature photography tips and more! Grab your cereal, coffee or tea, tune into Grand Park’s YouTube channel to start your day, Tomatoes.

Sept 12. Virtual South Pasadena Tour

LA LIFE: Keeping Cool, Adoption, Give Blood, Easy Mornings, South Pasadena

South Pasadena, with its tree-lined streets, picturesque architecture and small-town Americana atmosphere, has a very colorful history.  The online “South Pasadena Tour,” hosted by Pasadena Walking Tours and Downtown LA Walking Tours, is chockfull of attractions past and present that is certainly worth exploring, Tomatoes.  

You can learn about South Pasadena’s relationship with its big sister and namesake to the north – Pasadena, and the tour includes highlighting the Raymond Hotel, Fair Oaks Pharmacy, Rialto Theatre, and… the Cawston Ostrich Farm! There will be talk about the people who built it all with the guide. Tour is approximately 90 minutes and the Zoom link will be provided upon your registration.

The Three Tomatoes Book Club

The Three Tomatoes LA Life editor, Debbie Zipp is your friendly guide to the best of everything in LA with a tomato style perspective. Debbie is an actor, producer, and writer. She is best known for her recurring role as Donna on the CBS series "Murder She Wrote" starring Angela Lansbury. She has had many other TV and stage roles and has starred in over 300 national TV commercials. As head of In The Trenches Productions, Debbie produced, directed, acted in many short films for her company. Her book, The Aspiring Actor's Handbook: What Seasoned Actors Wish They Had Known was recently published.

Buy her book: The Aspiring Actor's Handbook: What Seasoned Actors Wish They Had Known

Debbie Zipp

The Three Tomatoes LA Life editor, Debbie Zipp is your friendly guide to the best of everything in LA with a tomato style perspective. Debbie is an actor, producer, and writer. She is best known for her recurring role as Donna on the CBS series "Murder She Wrote" starring Angela Lansbury. She has had many other TV and stage roles and has starred in over 300 national TV commercials. As head of In The Trenches Productions, Debbie produced, directed, acted in many short films for her company. Her book, The Aspiring Actor's Handbook: What Seasoned Actors Wish They Had Known was recently published. Buy her book: The Aspiring Actor's Handbook: What Seasoned Actors Wish They Had Known

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