LA Life:  Tacos, Style, Tastes, Sonnets, Art, Events Galore

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I love tacos and taco trucks, so our LA Life Photographer Lorraine Devon Wilke’s photo “On Every Corner…We LOVE it!” was the obvious choice for our Cover Photo.  LA Life Stylist, Felicia Arlin, tells the tale of eye-catching looks in LA Style Stories. Our LA Life Tasting Tomato, Molly Cheek, has two Beverly Hills restaurant recommendations in Tastes of LA. LA Life Poetess Lady Penelope regals us with a simply mahvelous sonnet in Sonnets from Suburbia. The luverly LA Artist, Annie Wood, is back for our LA Life Artist Corner. LA happenings are plentiful and Happy Mother’s Day, Tomatoes.

Cover Photo & Story: On Every Corner…We LOVE it!

I just adore this glorious photo of a Taco Truck from LA Life Photographer Lorraine Devon Wilke.  So…. LA. We see them … on every corner…a favorite for Angeleno’s because of the mouth-watering deliciousness taco trucks deliver. It’s a way of life for us. And what a history taco trucks have in LA as you will read in Lorraine Devon Wilke’s cover story. Be sure to check out Lorraine Devon Wilke’s marvelous photos on her webpage and browse her entire website as it reveals the vast tapestry of Lorraine’s amazing talents.

It was back in 2016 when the surrogate for a certain presidential candidate blurted the now infamous line that, “there would be ‘taco trucks on every corner’ in America” if he lost… dire warning that was greeted by a loud, national chorus of, “HURRAHS!” There is, perhaps, nothing more anticipated or appreciated by hungry patrons than turning a corner to find a good taco truck in their sights. The clever fellow credited with opening the first such truck, per JSTOR Daily, was Raul Martinez: “In 1974, Martinez converted an old ice cream truck into a mobile taco-making station and parked it outside of a Los Angeles bar.” It’s not hard to imagine how both exiting and entering bar clientele delighted in finding a taco truck at hand to provide sustenance for their imbibing! Martinez’s success inspired other food entrepreneurs to join the trend and currently, Discover Los Angeles  attests, “there are over 4,000 registered loncheras, or taco trucks, in Los Angeles,” many offering not only their delicious Mexican fare, but comfortable, artsy settings in which to enjoy a meal. Captured here is one of the most popular trucks in my own neighborhood whose photograph is aptly titled, “On Every Corner… We LOVE It!”     

 LA Style Stories

LA Life Fashion Stylist Felicia Arlin’s simple column dress is the perfect silhouette to show off its stripes in “Cabana Stripes” and the body style of the dress is reminiscent of the narrow cabanas from the early 1900s.  In “On the Border”, the kind of pattern mix print that Felicia is wearing is perfect for a short off-the-shoulder dress because the eye can stay easily focused on the relatively small area of coverage.  Both these adorable looks are eye catching and have a beautiful spring and summer relaxed feel to them. Remember, I only highlight a snippet of Felicia’s amazing cur8edme posts so be sure to follow her on Instagram.  And she is the most amazingly insightful guide for helping you to find the right and most flattering style for you.  Just sayin’, Tomatoes. GET THE DETAILS.

Tastes of LA

I love a restaurant with both good food and a special ambiance and our LA Life Tasting Tomato, Molly Cheek, has two terrific choices for you.  She’s the one with the expert tastes buds and topnotch taste in whether an establishment has an appealing vibe, so I can’t wait to try out these two recommendations.  Girl’s Lunch anyone? GET THE DETAILS.

Sonnets from Suburbia

What say you? Are you a late bloomer? LA Life Poetess Lady Penelope’s sonnet “Late Bloomer” has a surprise ending that elicited a guffaw from Moi. And guess who has a brand spanking new book out? Penny Peyser (Lady P) and she has outdone herself with “Sonnets from Suburbia: Romance Dance”. It’s masterful, brilliant and an easy and deliciously entertaining ride that you will adore, Tomatoes.  Remember if you haven’t already, don’t forget to order a copy of Penny Peyser’s first brilliant book, “Sonnets from Suburbia: More Candles Than Cake” to add to your collection. And you can always find out more about Lady Penelope on her website Tomatoes. READ ON.

Artists Corner: Art by Annie Wood


Annie Wood, internationally exhibited mixed-media artist, writer, poet, actor, living in her hometown of Hollywood, California, is gracing our newsletter again with her wonderful work of art, “Thinkin Stuff”.  I adore the woman Annie portrays so exquisitely. Perhaps I chose this piece because I, myself, need to think about stuff. I asked Annie a few questions this go round, Gals.

What was your inspiration or what prompted the creation of this piece, Annie?

I’m easily inspired so it’s tough for me to narrow it down. I do know that I’ve been doing larger mixed media pieces and the other day I noticed that I had several 8-inch birch wood square canvases and I thought, “Hey, I’d like to work small for a while.” And I just went in with some charcoal. Drawing is my first love. I had a piece of cloth that reminded me of a flower, so I glued that down. Then I thought about how I enjoy the theme of contemplation and rest. So, how about a woman thinking?

 What do you imagine this beautiful lady is thinking?

I think she’s thinking, “this is so lovely to sit here in my favorite chair and just be. Why don’t I do this more often?”

And what materials/tools/paints etc. did you use besides the paper?

Cloth, scraps, graphite, charcoal, acrylic, oil pastel, oil paint on a birch wood block.

Thinkin Stuff is part of Annie’s mini art/small studies/works on paper – affordable art for small spaces under $500. As an LA native Annie Wood is Super LA. Annie is interested in reexperiencing her dreams by painting them, daydreaming new ones, finding order in chaos and chaos in order, seeing familiar things in new ways, and creating visual stories that make people feel peaceful, make them wonder, remember, and pause. You can see Annie’s creations at her online art gallery and you can also subscribe to her free newsletter  How to Love the World.

Once a Month May 19 – October 6. Afternoon Concerts in the Dome

When we think of observatories in Los Angeles Griffith Park Observatory first comes to mind. However, we must never forget the magnificence and significance of the Mount Wilson Observatory as a scientific marvel. Angeleno’s are so lucky that they present concerts in their breathtaking dome. So, Ladies, you might want to catch a concert during Mount Wilson Observatory’s 2024 season of “Afternoon Concerts in the Dome.”

On May 19th Mount Wilson Observatory, the modern-day temple to science in the mountains above Pasadena, presents the first of six Sunday “Afternoon Concerts in the Dome” under the breathtaking vaulted dome of the historic 100-inch telescope. Each concert is still curated by Artistic Director Cécilia Tsan, herself an award-winning cellist. Tickets It is highly recommended that you purchase your tickets in advance. Such a darn cool event!

May 18 & 19. The Beverly Hills Art Show

The Beverly Hills Art Show is a great way to spend an afternoon, walking and looking at amazing works of art across four garden blocks in the center of the city. Celebrating 50 years, the Spring Beverly Hills Art Show features 230 artists from California, the Southwest and around the nation. Yep!  Beautiful art and tons of talent, Tomatoes!

The Beverly Hills Art Show is produced by the City of Beverly Hills. All of the fine arts and crafts are original, ranging from the traditional to the very contemporary, and are represented by the artists themselves. A Wine and Beer Garden, demonstrating artists, children’s activities, gourmet food trucks and several community exhibits can be found as well. And admission is free!

May 18 & 19. Bug Fair

I know the thought might drive you a bit buggy, but bugs make the world go-round, Tomatoes. The Natural History Museums “Bug Fair” just happens to be the biggest bug festival in North America with over 1 million species exhibited including our local LA bugs. Methinks adults and kiddos alike will love learning about bugs and why they are so vital to our well-being.

The Bug Fair, with a plethora of important exhibitors, one-on-one interactions with museum research and collections staff and a variety of activities, can help you co-exist more easily with bugs. You’ll gain insight you never had before about bugs so you can begin to appreciate them…perhaps. And it should be fun!

Every Friday Through June 21. Jazz at LACMA


FREE Friday night performances are back with, Jazz at LACMA celebrating L.A.’s finest jazz musicians on LACMA’s Smidt Welcome Plaza. And the Jazz talent performing is definitely out of this world, Tomatoes.

You definitely might want to fit this into your busy schedule and make your reservations now. All of the Jazz artists performing are stellar. A lovely evening under the beautiful LA sky with great music.

May 18 & 19.  Artazan Arts & Crafts Show

Artazan A Contemporary Handcraft Market, at the Pasadena Convention Center, encompasses all handcrafted media, including jewel smithery, painting, ceramics, wood working, glass work, textile weaving, hand tooled leather, handspun yarn, felting, natural-dyed fiber, paper arts, beadmaking, lapidary, gem cutting, metalwork, embroidery, hand sewn clothing, and wearable art with over 200 exhibits. Now that is a big WOW, Tomatoes!

Artazan was established by artisans who were inspired by the Arts & Crafts Movement. An artisan collaborative that is devoted to artistic forms and techniques, luminous color, careful detail, romantic symbolism, nature, and the rejection of industrialism and mass-produced goods.

The show offers a range of products, designed and created by independent artisans, studio artists, and small production workshops, similar to those found in the traditional sidewalk art shows of Paris.

May 15-June 9.   What Do I Do With All This Heritage? Salon Show

The Braid, a fav theatre company of mine, is premiering a groundbreaking new theatre show for their 2024 Salon Season. “What Do I Do With All This Heritage?” shares the whimsical and thought-provoking true stories of Asian Jews as they hold two age-old traditions in their hearts. It’s a first, Ladies!

A first because “What Do I Do With All This Heritage” is the first-ever show about Asian American Jews. The show represents a partnership between The Braid, a story company that for sixteen years has given stage to true stories from every corner of the Jewish experience, and The LUNAR Collective, founded in 2020 to become the only national organization by and for Asian American Jews.

May 12.  MOMentum Place for Mother’s Day

Join the Theatricum Botanicum on Mother’s Day for MOMentum, a very special celebration of Mom’s everywhere.   LA Aerial & Acrobat performer Lexi Pearl hosts an afternoon of astounding and awe-inspiring aerial and acrobatic performances that bring a sense of wonder and beauty. The feats will amaze beyond your wildest dreams. Such a magical way to celebrate Mother’s Day, Tomatoes.

I have no doubt it will be a supremely entertaining show. For an extra treat, enjoy a scrumptious brunch in Theatricum’s rustic gardens before the performance. Brunch is available courtesy of LittleBear Catering for $40, and the Hamelt Hut will also be open to serve snacks and mimosas!

Through August 31. Soar

Beautiful wings of color have returned to South Coast Botanical Garden with the popular “Soar: Tropical Butterflies” exhibit. Yay! And the Botanical Garden is absolutely gorgeous right now with all its spring and early summer blooms, Tomatoes.

Guests will have the opportunity to feed the butterflies by purchasing the Butterfly Feeding Experience. Wow!  Soar gives you the exciting opportunity to immerse yourself in the life and colors of these amazing tropical butterflies. You will be soaring with the thrill of this butterfly experience as you witness these fluttering beauties at every stage of their lives. Relax and enjoy all this stunning exhibit and the South Coast Botanical Garden has to offer.

May 18.  Clarkia Festival

The UCLA Mathias Botanical Garden is very excited about their upcoming and inaugural Clarkia Festival.  This all-day festival is a celebration of nature and spring and will be the Mathias Botanical Garden’s very first large public event.  The Clarkia Hill will be in full bloom with dazzling pink flowers. A stunning sight to behold, Tomatoes.

There will be a ton of fun with family activities, a “BioBlitz,” guided tours, music, food trucks and more.  Entry to the festival is FREE and no Tickets or Reservations are required.  Yahoo!


The Three Tomatoes LA Life editor, Debbie Zipp is your friendly guide to the best of everything in LA with a tomato style perspective. Debbie is an actor, producer, and writer. She is best known for her recurring role as Donna on the CBS series "Murder She Wrote" starring Angela Lansbury. She has had many other TV and stage roles and has starred in over 300 national TV commercials. As head of In The Trenches Productions, Debbie produced, directed, acted in many short films for her company. Her book, The Aspiring Actor's Handbook: What Seasoned Actors Wish They Had Known was recently published.

Buy her book: The Aspiring Actor's Handbook: What Seasoned Actors Wish They Had Known

Debbie Zipp

The Three Tomatoes LA Life editor, Debbie Zipp is your friendly guide to the best of everything in LA with a tomato style perspective. Debbie is an actor, producer, and writer. She is best known for her recurring role as Donna on the CBS series "Murder She Wrote" starring Angela Lansbury. She has had many other TV and stage roles and has starred in over 300 national TV commercials. As head of In The Trenches Productions, Debbie produced, directed, acted in many short films for her company. Her book, The Aspiring Actor's Handbook: What Seasoned Actors Wish They Had Known was recently published. Buy her book: The Aspiring Actor's Handbook: What Seasoned Actors Wish They Had Known

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