Staying Sane and Healthy in Our Changing World

It was only a few weeks ago, that we woke up in the morning, went to work, kissed our children good-bye on their way to school or daycare, socialized with friends, went to the gym, ate out in restaurants, had our hair colored and blow dried, had our weekly or biweekly manicure and pedicure, went to the grocery store, attended Broadway shows and museums, visited with family; all without any concern about a looming crisis that would affect our lives and the lives of others in inconceivable ways that we never dreamed of. How quickly and dramatically life has changed.
The following are some helpful tips that I hope will make your life easier and less stressful :
1. Find a support group(s) where you can feel comfortable to honestly express your feelings of anxiety, worry, depression, sadness and anger These feelings are NORMAL, so give yourself permission to be authentic with yourself and others.
2. Try and create a daily routine to help normalize your life. For example, I have found that getting dressed, doing my makeup and hair, eating breakfast, taking my daily vitamins and and exercising all help me to begin my work day with a more positive attitude, particularly since I now ‘see’ all of my clients on Zoom or Skype.
3. Be aware of the things that we can DO to keep ourselves relatively sane and safe including: washing our hands multiple times a day and maintaining the 6 foot social distance recommendation when we go out to grocery stores, etc..
4. Keep in mind the importance of eating healthily, since we need to keep our immune systems strong. Keep a check on how much sugar and alcohol you are consuming.
5. Exercise, Exercise.. you don’t need to go to a gym to keep yourself physically and mentally in shape. I love some of the online video workouts! Check them out.
6. Get sufficient sleep.
7. Be aware of current government updates. However, don’t glue yourself to the television or computer 24 hours a day. Check in for updates a few times a day,.
8. Respect each others boundaries, since people are going to be spending a lot of time at home together. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
9. Take a walk around the block. I have found that getting outside even for a short period of time, (maintaining social distance of course) and looking at the blossoming foliage really helps to improve ones mood.
10.Many people find meditation to be very soothing. If you have never tried it, there are many online videos that can help you get started. And if meditation is not for you, that’s O.K. too.
11Give yourself permission to reach out and ask for professional help when despite all of your best efforts, your life continues to feel out of control.
Do You Need to Talk?
Gven the current situation, I have decided to reduce my hourly psychotherapy rate of $300 by 50%. Sometimes just a few sessions can make all the difference in the world! You can go to my website and find out all about me. My email address is
To Life and Love and Staying Sane in Our Challenging Times.
Beatty Cohan, MSW, LCSW, AASECT, is a nationally recognized psychotherapist, sex therapist, author, national speaker, columnist and national radio and television expert guest. Beatty has been an expert guest in national television and radio for over 25 years and continues to offer her unique charismatic brand of positive energy and psychological analysis and commentary -- bypassing the usual trite psycho-babble and often politically correct blandness that dominates the mass media.
Beatty is co-author of For Better, For Worse, Forever: Discover the Path to Lasting Love, and host of ASK BEATTY, live every Monday night on the Progressive Radio Network. She has a private practice in New York City, East Hampton and Sarasota, Florida.
Visit Beatty at:
Or email at:
Reasonable suggestions on point. I reach out to my mom who is 86 daily. She has always said the above items. My friends and I text or call once a month to check in with each other. Life is just about finding a way to go forward. Find a partner or friend who is there for you when you need someone to listen. As women and men too we need a place to vent and not necessarily be given an answer. Actually most people do not need to be given answers. The are better off if the come up with their own solutions. Just need guidance love that you Beatty are reducing your usual fee by 50% during this crisis period in our nation.. Strong supporter of good mental health.