Stuck? Start With a Vision

Sometimes, when I’ve gotten stuck in figuring out what’s next, I lose my sense of direction. Do you know the feeling? We flail helplessly – any path will be fine, just let me not be here. We make false starts in every direction. I’m reminded of a book title in moments like this – If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You’re Liable to End Up Someplace Else. Sounds like something that the caterpillar said to Alice.

When you’re ready to get unstuck, the best place to begin is to move away from logical planning, retracing your steps, or even taking stock. Instead, start by letting your imagination run wild. Tap into your biggest hopes and dreams. Take time to create a vision.

 Vision Exercise

 Perfect Day

Take time to envision the life you want for yourself. Find a quiet spot with no distractions. Have a pad and pen ready to write. Allow at least 30 minutes for this. Begin by closing your eyes and let your mind wander for a couple of minutes before you start writing. Picture each aspect of your life in as much detail as possible.

Create a detailed picture of how you are living your ideal life. Write about your home life as well as your work life. Be very specific. See yourself in that life. What does your home look like? Where is it? Who lives there? What’s your favorite room? Do you have pets? Where do you spend your time? With whom?

Do you work? Volunteer? Describe this – full time? Part time? Entrepreneur or within an organization. Envision your office or workspace in full detail – your furniture, location, your duties, clients and colleagues.

Re-read what you’ve written. Do you need more details? Does it make you smile? Go back and modify what you’ve written until you’re satisfied.

Now you have a destination! Don’t think about how you’ll achieve this; focus on what every aspect looks like, feels like. Getting caught up in the “hows” limits you. Seeing the big picture opens possibilities and creates opportunities for exploration and action.

Widen Your Vision of What’s Out There

 Now that you have a clear vision, you can begin to implement it. If you keep your eyes open to what you’re looking for it will begin to appear. Maybe not quite as you’d envisioned it, but it will be there. An old exercise suggests looking for a red car. Once you see the first one, they will be popping up all over the place. This applies to opportunities as well.

There was a point, when I was in graduate school, that I had no idea of how I could earn enough to finish my degree. Whenever an opportunity appeared, I followed through. If I hadn’t followed up on an invitation to a taping of Pyramid, I would never have won enough money to live on for a year.

Revisit your vision regularly. Sit with it and jot down actions that come to you, then follow through. You’re ready to take action!


Susan Meyer

Dr. Susan R. Meyer is an author, Executive Coach and Life Strategist with a passion for helping women use practical strategies, including Positive Intelligence™ skills, to get unstuck and create the life they deserve. Her program, Living for Today and Tomorrow, was recognized by the New York Times for its success. I'm Susan and I'm a Serial Careerist: Seven Success Strategies for a Unique Career Path was published by Three Tomatoes  Publishing.

Susan Meyer

Dr. Susan R. Meyer is an author, Executive Coach and Life Strategist with a passion for helping women use practical strategies, including Positive Intelligence™ skills, to get unstuck and create the life they deserve. Her program, Living for Today and Tomorrow, was recognized by the New York Times for its success. I'm Susan and I'm a Serial Careerist: Seven Success Strategies for a Unique Career Path was published by Three Tomatoes  Publishing.

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