That Back-to-School Vibe, Renewal and Celebration

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I love September. Having spent many years teaching and studying, I always see September as a time of excitement.  There’s a line from You’ve Got Mail that always makes me smile, “I would send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils” and makes me think about fresh starts.

Some view fall as a time for renewal. Fall can also symbolize change, with the leaves changing color. It can bring a sense of comfort and ease.

By mid-August, I’ve generally abandoned all my routines and ways of remaining organized and after a couple of weeks of that, I’m feeling sluggish and stuck. So, September always brings the happy prospect of getting organized, reviewing and refreshing routines and starting anew.

New Clothes!

Certainly, shopping is one way to get unstuck. Early every September I take down the stored winter clothes and take everything out of my bureau and closets. I do a full review. That stained-beyond-rescue but beloved tee goes into the trash. Everything that either isn’t flattering, or I’m bored with, goes into the donation pile. Things that need repair or cleaning go into a third. Finally, everything that remains goes into the storage bins or is systematically put in the bureau or closet.

Although I know that this won’t last as long as I’d like, I try to organize by both type of garment and color. This saves me from that stuck feeling when I can’t find something. It also makes it easy to shop without guilt for what I’d like to add.

Organizing, Scheduling and Tracking

Because my clients can schedule themselves on my calendar, I avoid getting stuck working on a day I wanted for myself by calendaring spaces as unavailable. I also do this so that I have a lunch break. I also block out travel time. It’s too easy to forget to include this and get stuck either rushing or missing an event. If others can add things to your calendar or if you have family activities, it’s helpful to schedule these things and mark the time – including travel time – as busy on your calendar.

I heard a presentation from a woman so organized that dry cleaning and laundry are on her task list. She found that it saved a lot of time if he didn’t have to think about them. There are any number of fancy and expensive programs for scheduling and tracking. I use my online calendar. I have all my recurring payments listed as tasks so that I don’t need to think about them. If you have a variable income, or simple forget when certain bills are due, (my nemesis is the gas company because the bill is so small and isn’t on autopay because it varies) it’s helpful to see the task on my calendar. It might also be a good way to remind you to go to the gym or to call friends to catch up. Birthdays and celebrations go on the calendar as a reminder to send a card or a gift.


September is a great time for State and local fairs, ranging from craft fairs to old-fashioned country fairs with all the foods we shouldn’t eat (zeppole at San Genero in Manhattan are my annual downfall) and awards for things including quilts, baked goods, barbecue, and livestock.

Go out and pick apples or get lost in a corn maize. Take a trip to admire the Fall foliage. Visit a landmark or a national park Check your local Chamber of Commerce or Eventbrite for ideas.

Here’s to a happy, unstuck September!


Susan Meyer

Dr. Susan R. Meyer is an author, Executive Coach and Life Strategist with a passion for helping women use practical strategies, including Positive Intelligence™ skills, to get unstuck and create the life they deserve. Her program, Living for Today and Tomorrow, was recognized by the New York Times for its success. I'm Susan and I'm a Serial Careerist: Seven Success Strategies for a Unique Career Path was published by Three Tomatoes  Publishing.

Susan Meyer

Dr. Susan R. Meyer is an author, Executive Coach and Life Strategist with a passion for helping women use practical strategies, including Positive Intelligence™ skills, to get unstuck and create the life they deserve. Her program, Living for Today and Tomorrow, was recognized by the New York Times for its success. I'm Susan and I'm a Serial Careerist: Seven Success Strategies for a Unique Career Path was published by Three Tomatoes  Publishing.

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