The Renewal Summit Recap
As some of the attendees said in this video, our inaugural Renewal Summit was an amazing day of inspiring and motivating speakers and panels. We covered a wide range of topics including health, wellness, exercise, money, getting unstuck, dating and relationships, and taming that inner critic most of us live with every day. During breaks, Tomatoes flocked to visit our exhibitors and we ended the day with lovely conversations over wine, cheese, and chocolates. Thanks to everyone who joined us. And if you couldn’t make it to this one, here’s the good news – we’re already planning one for next year.
Photo highlights of the day.
Photo Credits: Jan Goldstoff, Tel: (212) 666-9429;
Many thanks to our sponsors:
Many thanks to our exhibitors:
MonaLisa Touch. An innovative treatment for vaginal health.
Behavioral Cents. Helping smart women build money confidence.
Moticise. Reset your mindset and renew your body.
Savvy Bookkeeping. Dawn Hayes, CEO of Savvy Bookkeeping, provides personal service and remote support to put smart business owners in control of their money.
Smooth Synergy. A full NYC med spa which specializes in laser hair removal, Botox, microdermabrasion & other cosmetic treatments.
Revitin. The world’s first pre-biotic toothpaste that works to support a healthy microbiome.
InteleTravel. Planning a trip? Meet Madeline Klein for personalized service and the best deals too.
The Transition Network – NYC Chapter. This is an inclusive community of professional women over 50 in transition.
Because I am a Girl. A global non-profit that promotes the rights of girls and is giving them a future.
Here is a recap of the day and some of the pearls of wisdom from our speakers and panels.
Keynote: Tulis McCall, “Are You Serious?”
Tulis McCall, actor, writer, producer, share highlights of her one woman show “Are You Serious? A Woman of a Certain Age Inquirers”. Her pearls:
- People think that aging is a disease, which it’s not. They think there’s a cure, which there’s not.
- We’re the acorn AND the oak.
Take Charge of Your Health

Moderator, Maureen Lippe, Founder/CEO Lippe Taylor; Panelists: Dr. Elizabeth Kavaler, Urologist; Dr. Gerry Curatola, Cosmetic & Integrative Dentist; Dr. Eva Kosta, Cardiologist
- Sexuality starts in the head and works its way down.
- Most of us are afraid of dying from cancer. 1 out of 2 are going to die from heart disease.
- If your mother dies of a heart attack – you have the likelihood of dying at the same age as she of a heart attack. If your father dies of a heart attack – you have the likelihood of dying 10 years after his death age from a heart attack.
- Sitting is the new smoking
- If you have gum disease you have a 10x great chance of a heart attack and 7x greater risk of type 2 diabetes
- Fluoride is a contributing factor to kidney cancer
- If you have pain during sex, there are many treatments available: laser treatments, lubricants, estrogen therapy
Dirty Little Secrets About Women and Money

Panelists: Carrie Rattle, Money Coach and founder, Behavioral Cents; Neale Godfrey New York Times #1 Best Selling author of 27 books on financial literacy; Dr. April Benson, psychologist, author, To Buy or Not to Buy: Why We Overshop and How to Stop; Moderator: Deborah Goldstein, Driven Professionals
Emotions that may get in your way of managing your money
- Guilt – ‘I should be able to manage my money’ | buying love instead of quality time
- Fear – that we’re going to end up a bag lady (not having enough)
- Entitlement – I deserve this | worthiness
- Status – keeping up with the Jones’
- Influence – money = power
- Denial – I’m a good person – so I know that things work out for me – it’ll all work out. I KNOW I’ll make a killing
- Biggest secret in a relationship is $ – people will take off their clothes to virtual strangers, but when it comes to money, spouses often have a hard time discussing money.
- Before you buy, ask, Do I need it? How will I pay for it? Where will I put it?
- We’re born with a financial personality – saver | spender – and siblings aren’t like-minded!
- Net worth is not self-worth
Creating What’s Next

Moderator: Janet Neal, Superbwoman, Inc.; Panelists: Jeanne M. Sullivan, Co-Founder, StarVest Partners, Chief Inspiration Officer, Sullivan Adventures Dr. Susan Meyer, life architect, author “50 Over 50”;Lois Barth, Motivational Speaker, author of “Courage to SPARKLE”
- We teach what we need to learn (have tea with your demons)
- We are our own role models
- Life is lived forward, but understood backwards
- Find your sparkle- passion | purpose | pet peeves (which are the fiber of our values – don’t be afraid of what pisses you off!)
- 3 brains – head | heart | gut à turn off the brain in your head.
- Don’t stay where you are just because it’s comfortable.
- What’s your Ikigai? (Japanese for ‘reason for being’) What serves your soul?
- We spend more time figuring out how to use our I-Phone than OUR system wiring.
- Take risks: Stretch, don’t break
Get Moving, Get Calm

Mahri Relin, Body Conceptions; Joan Pagano, fitness specialist; Rika Keck, nutrition,health, fitness expert; Sonia Satra, Moticise; Carey Davidson, Turnesol Wellness
- Strength training (creating muscle strength and supporting bone density) vs weight baring cardio exercise (anything on your feet)
- Integrate mindset and movement – give movement meaning | mindset reset
- Good posture reduces structural stress and is anti-aging
- We don’t get out of our won way!
- Fear – where do you feel it in your body? Address fear at its root.
- Osteoporosis – appropriate exercises for 4 types of osteoporosis (work within the framework of our own body | low impact = 1 foot on the ground | full prevention = balance training | pool training)
A Holistic Approach to Life Enrichment

Roberta Mittman, Personal Revolution Coach, licensed acupuncturist; Anne Akers, Glow Beauty & Health; Dr. Richard M. Carlton, Integrative Psychiatrist; Dr. Dana Cohen, physician specializing in integrative medicine
- A holistic approach to living: sleep | stress | toxicity
- How to sleep better: Quiet the mind; ¼ – 1/3 avocado before sleep; cava cava (as long as it’s water soluble); gaya; canaba dial oil (CBD)
- Convert your inner worrier to warrior
- How does worry affect your relationships? You can’t be present to others and yourself.
- Toxicity – kids are born with 200 chemicals in their core blood!
- 4 ways to detoxing” cleanse – eliminate ALL you could be sensitive to and re-introduce to your diet.
- Lead is connected to heart disease
- HRT (NOT appropriate for women who are breast cancer survivors)
- Brain fog increased by chocolate and dairy (lectin)
- Mental shifts – position spirit and mental attitude
- Recognize | reframe | reclaim à what you resist persists
How to Identify the Mr. Wrongs to Get to Mr. Right.

Judy Katz, Online dater, ghost writer; Randie Levine-Miller, producer/performer; Cheryl Lazarus, Relationship Coach; Beatty Cohan Psychotherapist & Sex Therapist;
- Each of us needs to be in a good place emotionally and psychologically to engage in a relationship (no baggage)
- Ask yourself: are you willing to do the work? What does a healthy relationship look like to you? Do your homework!
- Ghosting: men who are in the conqueror stage | coming out of a divorce – they aren’t ready yet ( not emotionally available) | unconsciously needy and vulnerable – and they hook you in.
- Micro is what we can see. Step back and think about the macro.
Closing Speaker, Deborah Goldstein, “Taming Your Inner Critic”
- Why she is so powerful: She’s deeply embedded – parents words|body language
- Tune into the triggers – notice when she appears.
- Name her: Acknowledge her– lean in and say ‘I see you
- Question her: Be curious to understand what’s going on.
- Tame her: Reframe your thoughts
- Strengthen Yourself: Learn to Laugh at Yourself; meditate
Join The Three Tomatoes at some of our fun events from wine trips, comedy nights, trunk shows, theater, tea at Gracie Mansion and more. Check out 3T Events for upcoming fun.